Kelly Clarkson Says Recent Weight Loss Came From Prediabetic Diagnosis: 'I Wasn't Shocked'

Kelly Clarkson began the year looking much lighter, and during a conversation with comedian Kevin James on her daily talk show on Monday

 the singer explained what motivated her to make a lifestyle change.

"You look great!" she exclaimed to the King of Queens star, who returned her remark.

"Okay, thank you. "Well, I was told I was prediabetic," Clarkson said."That was literally what happened," Clarkson, 41, said. 

They were like--and I was, well, not shocked. I was a little bit overweight. 

So, yeah, I wasn't surprised by it. But they did. They said, 'You're prediabetic. 

You're right on the boundary. And I said, 'But I'm not there yet.

And then I waited two years before moving in, and I was like, 'OK, I'll do something about it.

According to the Mayo Clinic, a prediabetes diagnosis indicates that the patient has a higher-than-normal blood sugar level but not high enough to be classified as type 2 diabetes. 

despite that, "without lifestyle changes, adults and children with prediabetes are at high risk to develop type 2 diabetes."

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