Gypsy Rose Blanchard, convicted of mom's murder, granted parole

– Release Date: Gypsy Rose Blanchard, convicted for the murder of her mother, is set to be released from prison after serving over seven years, on Thursday.

– Sentencing: Gypsy, now 32, received a 10-year sentence in July 2016 for pleading guilty to second-degree murder in her mother's death.

– Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy: Gypsy was allegedly a victim of Munchausen syndrome by proxy, where her mother, Dee Dee, fabricated illnesses and subjected her to unnecessary medical procedures.

– Childhood Deception: Dee Dee falsely claimed Gypsy suffered from various illnesses, starting with sleep apnea as an infant and escalating to leukaemia and muscular dystrophy, leading to the use of a wheelchair and feeding tube.

– Relocation: Gypsy and Dee Dee moved from Louisiana to Missouri in 2005, claiming victimhood from Hurricane Katrina, receiving charity support, including a Habitat for Humanity-built house.

– Support and Sympathy: The mother-daughter duo garnered sympathy, charity trips, and financial aid due to the alleged medical conditions.

– Nicholas Godejohn's Involvement: In June 2015, Gypsy, at 23, enlisted Nicholas Godejohn, whom she met on a Christian dating site, to travel to Springfield and murder her mother.

– Hulu Series Inspiration: The case inspired the Hulu series "The Act," shedding light on the complex dynamics and tragedy surrounding Gypsy Rose Blanchard and her mother.

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