Why police officers are important: Bass Reeves' Resolution Episode 3.

After being sworn in by Judge Parker, Bass Reeves begins his career as a deputy U.S. Marshal in the third episode of Lawmen: Bass Reeves.  

In his first job as a deputy marshal, Bass Reeves demonstrates empathy and tenacity by locating stolen money and capturing Billy Crow.   

Even in the face of danger and greed, Reeves's commitment to upholding the law and adherence to his oath are clear as he faces the demands of his new position.   

The viewer was introduced to Bass Reeves's character and his history as an enslaved person during the Civil War in the first two episodes of Lawmen: Bass Reeves.   

The events of his life made it possible for him to gain his freedom and live in freedom with his family while cultivating vegetables.   

But his acts during and after the War caught attention, and soon after, he received an invitation to become a deputy U.S. Marshal.  

The lead character, Bass Reeves, gets prepared to take on ,  

the role of deputy U.S. Marshal in the third episode of Lawmen: Bass Reeves.  

Never expect Outlander Season 8 in 2024.