Tom Holland Reveals 1 Spider-Man Wore a ‘Fake A**’ in ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’

Does Tom Holland enjoy stirring things up in the Spider-Man universe? During filming the Marvel Cinematic Universe movie,

the actor of Spider-Man: No Way Home disclosed that one of his amiable neighborhood superhero co-stars needed to wear a little additional padding underneath his costume.

During his promotion for Uncharted appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyers, 

Tom Holland divulged a behind-the-scenes (pun intended) detail from Spider-Man: No Way Home

Holland revealed, "I'll give you a spoiler—I won't tell you who—but one of us has a fake a** in their suit.

"You can work that out on your own."After that, Seth Meyers made fun of him by remarking, "

 "Everyone thinks you're such a nice guy, but all you care about is ticket sales." Since everyone will now set out again to look for the phony a**.

Holland retorted, "I remember thinking, 'Wow! Oh, hold on for a second. No, that isn't true.

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