Randy Travis loses legal bid to keep nude, belligerent DUI footage private

Tennessee's Nashville Country artist Randy Travis tried to get the state of Texas to avoid publishing video of him screaming and going nude after a 2012 DUI arrest, but a federal judge rejected his motion.

Travis' family fought to prevent the tape from being released in court for a very long time;

the state Supreme Court ultimately rejected their request. Travis claimed that the video should be protected by health record privacy rules and launched a federal lawsuit in September in Texas.

However, the judge ruled that he had not demonstrated a meaningful chance of success with the claims.

Travis's Round Rock, Texas-based attorney, Marty Cirkiel, announced Thursday afternoon that he will be appealing to the 5th U.S.

Circuit Court of Appeals after submitting a motion to the judge asking for his order to be delayed. "We have asked the Texas Attorney General's Office whether they will be opposed or unopposed to the motion to stay the order,

 but as of this discussion (they) have not responded," he stated.

The lawsuit claimed that because Travis "can no longer speak cogently and is not even in the position to discuss,

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