Alexandra Kay's Debut Album, 'All I've Ever Known', Discusses Divorce

Normally, Alexandra Kay is quite transparent with her fans on social media, sharing many facets of her life as a singer-songwriter. 

However, she decided to keep the specifics of her recent divorce under wraps. 

Kay is sharing her feelings and talking about this chapter for the first time since the release of her debut album, All I've Ever Known. 

The rising country star's 11-track album, which was released on Thursday, October 26, serves as a diary as she shares aspects of her divorce through some of the most "raw, real, and authentic" songs she has ever released.

In the midst of the tragic circumstances, Kay began to do what she had done since she was 13 years old: she started creating songs to help her deal with her feelings when the days were too much. 

Kay told Music Mayhem, "I'm going through a divorce from my ex, who I was with for ten years."

"It seems like I was 13 again. I've always been vulnerable in my music, but this is by far the most raw, real, and unapologetic I think I've ever been when it comes to writing," Kay continued. 

"Writing about it was the only way I knew how to process this extreme loss in my life and the grief that I was feeling."

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